Reflecting on Conflict in America.

Going  into this class, I had really no expectations because I never did anything like this before. Being able to connect with everyone from different schools across the country, while  building a class  community in a completely different manner was pretty fun.  In the beginning of the semester I wasn’t sure what the final product was going to look like even though, but it was fun to see the project take shape.

One of the take a ways that I have learned from this class it to work progressively on time management skills. It is something that I have to be conscious of  and  to make sure your being held accountable in doing things well. With that being said this class was a great experience in learning how work in a new  medium that we all adjusted to quickly.

Another aspect that was entirely new to me was the legalities that followed conducting these projects. Prior to this class I did not know what the IRB was or that it was even on my campus. It was a interesting process simply because it was new to me.

Overall this experience was great and it was awesome learning about each others final products, after the long year. We all worked hard and it showed in these presentations we all gave

Thank you Dr. Welch and Dr. Wallace, both of you did an great job being our small video framed professors . Both of you were super helpful in this experience.

Congrats everyone, Enjoy the break coming up, and good luck on Finals!


Comments on other websites


Abriana, I know you’ve gone through the ringer with trying to navigate WordPress to your likening on top of the IRB issues , I commend you on rising to the challenge.  With what you have and are working with, I feel you know what you have to do and you will do it well.  Once the little details are filled in such as the maps, timelines and synopsis your project, it will come to life.   One of my favorite quotes by Booker T. Washington,  I think reflects on the process of you went through for your blog and at the end of this class is somethng that you should be proud of. “I’ve learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed”  Keep ya head up and you got this.

Desegregation in Fredericksburg

Kailee and Alyssa, I really like how your project blog came out, the layout is easy to navigate and the overall aesthetic of the blog is easy to view.  The information you have on each of the tabs especially the student accounts gives a sense of authenticity and meaning to the project that gives the viewer a perspective of first hand accounts of being in the school system during this time period. Even though the side tabs are kind of hard to read it, I think that it can also work to your advantage because it will make the viewer hover over the tabs to see what they say.  Overall your blog is really well put together!

Shays Rebellion 

Shane and Anthony your blog is clear and you’re able to navigate the blog easily and find the necessary information. You guys have mapped out the factors and important figures in the Shays Rebellion in a manageable  fashion for the viewer that might not know  much about it. May,  I suggest for the head line tab you include a bold headings to divide up the different articles just break up the lengthiness of page. Besides that little nit pick your site is looking great!

Frack That 

Claire and Jessica, the Website looks awesome! The organization is easy to follow and the information is really informative for someone that like myself, don’t really know anything about fracking. The interviews that you conducted is organized in a nice format that allows the indivual to immerse themselves into both sides of the fracking industry. The one thing I think you can add to is the about yourself page when you get a chance, doing all this work I feel like the viewer should know a little bit more about who created this nice blog!



It’s been a while but Suriving and Thriving.


During this month of  myself being absent from posting Erin has been collecting numerous articles from the archives and storing them to our google docs account. I am in the process of conducting and meeting with either 3 to 5 people to interview with  that will help to construct the community narrative of the pumpkin festival.  I was also  able to get into the archives my self and find some pretty cool information regarding previous pumpkin fest that were leading up to the events in 2104. We currently getting all of our materials in one area and with the upcoming Pumpkin Festival this Sunday, the campus as well as the community is on high alert. This weekend will be substantial in crafting the narrative for the future of this historical community event. I will be posting about the festival after it happens to discuss about the vibe, atmosphere, and overall success of this event.

Roadblocks and Challenges regards to project outlines

As Milestone 2 approaches, I have found that the when the initial start of the project outline that a huge factor that I forgot to take into account. This being the 4 other classes being my two capstone classes, as well as my methods practicum for student teaching this semester. With this being said I am in the process of getting the IRB forms approved and conducting our first formal interview with a member of the Keene community that was heavily involved with the process of resolving the conflict in the community. I am currently in contact with this person and will hopefully conduct it in the next week or so.

Moving Forward

With November approaching fast, and the deadlines coming up, the plan for the coming weeks will be to organize the articles onto our blog and then create a hybrid timeline/ story arch using the articles and interviews to gain a perspective on how Keene’s Pumpkin Fest became what is it today.  On top of this the buzz around campus noting the incoming festival this weekend will generate conversations from all which will be included by either anonymous accounts of passing by students or formal interviews.  Stay tuned for more great stuff to come!



Planning out the Pumpkin Fest.

I know it been a while since I posted last but during that time I spent looking into the school newspaper and planning out our research plan. Erin was able to look more in depth into the Archives and public library and found some pretty awesome stuff that we will be viewing together today. Below is our research plan that I believe is realistic enough for us to accomplish. The only obstacle that we have to accomplish is the IRB process in which we are working on to complete ASAP.

Research Timeline
MileStone One: October 12
Milestone Goals: By October 12th the newspaper and online article collection should be complete. This includes, Keene Equinox articles digitized, Keene Sentinel articles, Youtube news clips, News articles from various perspectives and any town hall transcripts. Also photographs of downtown Keene should be taken
(Newspaper archive collecting should be done first because it will be more time consuming)
September 25- Mason library archives. Digitize Equinox articles from 1991 to present

September 25/26- Keene Public Library. Sentinel articles

Find a transcript of town hall meetings

Citi IRB training should be done by the weekend of October 8th

Finish Entire IRB Process by Oct. 8th

Milestone 2: October 26
Milestone Goals: By October 26th the interviews should be completed and uploaded to the website
Interviewing students will be the easy part because we are going to interview people we know
Interviewing community members might be harder because it will involve more scheduling and taking the time to find people who will want to be interviewed.

The interview workload will be split in half. Tyler will interview around 3 students/faculty and Erin will interview 3 students/faculty. Any community member interviews can be done together

Interviews will be asked to share their experiences of either how they remembered Pumpkin Fest in the past, the riot incident, or how they’ve seen resolution come out of the conflict

One or two staff members will be asked to discuss their opinion on the subject and give their point of view
Michael Antonucci will be interviewed on his opinion on how the media reaction to the riot is reflective of the double standards

Milestone 3: November 9
Milestone Goal: tentatively by this date we will have gathered all of our information and begin to upload our findings to our wordpress site.
The structure of this website will be interactive and allow the viewer to view the Pumpkin Festival in chronological order from its inception and throughout the years.
The website will include a hub of information , where viewers can see what was going on in Keene during that years pumpkin festival.
Included in those informational post will include the findings we have gathered through the research as well as critical analysis of the conflict in its relation to the intersectionality of resolution.

Milestone 4: November 30th
MileStone Goal:  Be ready to present the wordpress website and discuss the conflict resolution of this contemporary event.
Have all the parts of the website working correctly including all videos, links and interview audios.
Prepare what key points we will focus on in the presentation

Pumpkin Festival 2014 My map

This weekend I have found some articles in the Equinox newspaper that has given me the opportunity to see in depth what the student newspaper has to offer when referring to the issues that occurred during the festival. the points that I highlighted in my map a brief visual look at where the events occurred in relation to campus and the festival. this is a first look into what happened during Pumpkin Fest 2014. During this week Erin and I will be entering in the school archives this week  and explore various newspaper articles from the creation in 1991.

The lines in the map represent the area of which the riots took place or where events of conflict were present during the riot.

Conflict in America Labor day weekend

During this  labor day weekend I took the time to relax as well as dig deeper into my local resources to aid with my research. I recently, got in contact with my friend who is on the Keene’s newspaper “The Equinox” and he helped me by showing the various articles on The Pumpkin Festival. I think this is a solid step in the right direction because It will help our project find the necessary perspectives. we need to gain the entire picture on what happened that weekend in Keene. I think  to understand how this event escalated to the measure it did we have to identify multiple perspectives with countless variables.

During the week I plan on going into the archives and see from newspapers and documents othe accounts and other aspects of one of Keene’s oldest traditions. I also will talk with staff, faculty and my peers  about how the College has changed from 3 years ago.

Conflict in America week 1

I apologize for the late post, as well as being late to game. However with that being said I found that my initial thought of what this class was asking was to dissect a regional conflict and see what exactly happened leading up to and following it.  With that being said I think agree with Erin and I think that looking at the Great Depression in Keene  would be very interesting and it is something I haven’t looked at in too much detail.

I am pretty familiar with working with WordPress as well. For one of my final projects last semester I created a Tattoo blog that discussed tattoos and its relation in space with Democracy.

The only thing I am worried about is making sure my technology is working and will not quit on me. I didn’t have any issues with my laptop until this prior week leading up to class. I have download zoom on other platforms so I should be able okay.  I have stopped by my IT department as well as attempting to fix the issues on my own so I’m hoping it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.