Marc Heilemann. The Equinox. October 28, 1992

The second Pumpkin Festival was still a small community event but it was the first year that the record for most carved pumpkins in an area was broken at the festival

Melissa White. “Statistics Don’t Lie”.  The Equinox. October 7, 1992

Binge drinking was a big issue for the college in the 90’s. The Equinox used a scare tactic here to show students the gravity of their behavior and show that KSC’s alcohol problem was worse compared to other schools. Drunkenness was a big factor that played into the vandalism and mod behavior at the 2014 Pumpkin Fest riot.



1992 party

Sarah Hodder. “College Parties: rite of passage or nuisance for neighbors?” The Keene Sentinel. October 24, 1992

Keene residents complain about the noise their college aged neighbors make.

  • “Students leaving parties at 3 a.m wake up children and parents who need to get up in a few hours to go to work.”



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