Why is SRIP happening?

The reason for this rail consolidation is two-fold:
1) to promote public safety
2) to reduce vehicular travel times and congestion


Projected increase in train traffic:

(Hanson Professional Services)

Safety – There are 68 at-grade rail crossings throughout the City
and 24 miles of unfenced right-of-way
Reduce Congestion – Vehicle delays due to trains blocking
crossings are projected to increase from 200 hours per day today to
600 hours per day in 2030
Enhance Livability and Commercial Activity – Each of the rail
lines through Springfield generate noise and create barriers in
commercial areas and residential neighborhoods

The videos below are examples of incidents in Springfield, IL involving trains at rail crossings. They illustrate some of the concern with public safety at rail crossings.


In the video above, “Man Hit By Train in Springfield, IL”, a young boy with the screen name JDRailfanner from YouTube, records his reaction to an incident involving a Springfield rail crossing. No other details are included.
JDRailfanner, YouTube, Published May 13, 2017 1:08

The video above, “New Details in Train Accident that Killed Springfield Man”,  is a news segment reporting on a different incident that resulted in the death of 54-year-old Michael Gray on February 14, 2017.  The rail crossing in the above video (9th and Ash Street) will be closed as a part of SRIP.
WICS Newschannel 20, YouTube,  Published February 22, 2017 (0:46)

The video above is footage from the Amtrak station in Springfield, IL. The owner of the video witnesses a “near death” experience of a person trying to beat the train and get across the tracks. There are no safety gates or walls that make incidents like this less likely to happen. The Amtrak station will be moved from its current location at 3rd street to 10th street as a part of SRIP. It has been suggested that the new station will be safer as a part of SRIP’s mission (Hanson).
Redstone guys Lopez, YouTube, Published July 31, 2015

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Hanson Professional Services. Retrieved September 27, 2017 (http://www.springfieldrailroad.com/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29&Itemid=184)

JDRailfanner. YouTube. Published May 13, 2017. Man Hit By Train in Springfield IL. (1:08) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ckpEayr9g)

Redstone guys Lopez. YouTube. Published July 31, 2015. Near Death by Amtrak train Springfield,IL. (1:36) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=yOjSx4pTAbQ)

WICS Newschannel 20. YouTube.  Published February 22, 2017. New Details In Train Accident That Killed Springfield Man. (0:46) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=qInaO9Ey3aE)


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