This investigative study of the Eastern Band and its fight for recognition and representation is a testament of inter-generational perseverance in the face of repression. To put it simply, the Eastern Bands struggle within the political environment was a quest for being seen and heard in “legitimate” political processes (i.e. voting participation in state and federal elections). More importantly, the Eastern Band fought to be stewards of their own lives and livelihoods. With the leadership and direction of dynamic, innovative, and courageous leaders, the Cherokee were able to leverage their political power in effective ways in a white-dominated political environment. It would be remiss to not note that the Cherokee political leaders had access to institutions such as federal and state legal systems because of their proximity to “Whiteness”. Whiteness and “Indianess” have remained precarious racialized concepts that allowed and inhibited access to institutions and protections from the federal government. The dynamism of these concepts highlight the mosaic of power and privilege that was birthed from a political environment of fragmented politics. Consensus building of the federal government with regards to granting the Cherokee citizenship and enfranchisement illustrates the absurdity of white supremacy, white settler colonialism, etc.