Post #9

This is gonna be a short post. Not much new has happened. Shane and I got together, talked about the set-up of the website a little. Spent some time looking at the website, remembered how to change the menu bars. One question for the group: How do I go about embedding (hopefully that’s the correct term) a map or a timeline into the website? Couldn’t figure it out for the blog post we had to do, should know now.

Other than that we’re just plugging away!

6 Replies to “Post #9”

  1. Hey Anthony!

    Glad your meeting with Shane went well. When it comes to the timeline, I might be able to help. When we did the blog post last time I had to google it to figure it out. When creating a new post, in the top right corner of the text box you’ll see a tab for visual and text. Before you put the embed link, switch the tab over to text. Then insert the embed where you want it to be then publish it with the tab still being at text and it should be embedded when you go to look at the published post. Hope this helped and keep plugging away!

  2. Hey! Embedding isn’t that hard once you can figure out what it is that you need. The link that they give you once you finish your project on the Knight labs stuff doesn’t always work. I had to use the actual link for the google doc. All I did was copy and paste the link into my text where the rest of my blog post was, and it showed up! If it doesn’t show up, try clicking (on the top right of the box where you type your blog post) from text to visual (or vice versa) and then preview your post again. One of the two options should allow your timeline or map to show up. I hope this works out and I am not completely misguiding you- good luck!!

    1. Yah, sort of. I just can’t find an embed code for the Google Map that I made so I’m struggling with that. Otherwise, Shane should be able to put up his timeline and any other timelines we have to put up.

  3. I tried to take a screen shot of it for you, but it won’t let me capture the important part of the process. Basically, in your My Google Map itself, on the top left corner is the title box. To the right of the title of your map, you’ll see a vertical bar of three dots. Click on that, and a bunch of options will pop up, including the option to embed a link. Hope that helps!

    1. Thanks, Professor! I figured it out a little while ago. I Googled it… Guess that means all that college education is finally paying off.

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