February 12, 2018: Announcement of Public Forum
During the February 12, 2018 meeting of the City Council, Mayor Dr. Holly Cost announced the next non-discrimination ordinance public forum would take place on February 19, 2016. This forum would be a community discussion with open conversation and ample time to voice opinions and thoughts. From this meeting, the final thoughts of the community would be collected and considered by the City Council. The community would be presented with the non-discrimination ordinance as it was edited by the City Council and City legal team.
February 26, 2018: Review of February 19, 2018 Forum & NDO added to City Council Agenda
Mayor Cost spoke to the Council in regards to the February 19, 2018 public forum for final consideration of the non-discrimination ordinance, and said the forum was a success. With approximately 85+ individuals in attendance, feedback was collected from the community which would be helpful to the Council in their final conclusions on the ordinance. The City Clerk, Herman Lehman, suggested that the information gathered at the forum was prepared for review by the non-discrimination committee, however, City Council Member Matt Walker said he believed there was no need for the documents to return to the non-discrimination committee. City Council Member Jason Peterson, the chairperson of the non-discrimination committee, agreed with Council Member Walker.
This meant that the non-discrimination ordinance was prepared to go to the full City Council for consideration as an amendment to the City Municipal Code.