Mile Stone #3

I sit in a lot of victory here at 3:30 am. I have successfully formatted the majority of my pages on the Shays’ website.  Backstory and the write ups for the consequences for Shays’ Rebellion are completed. To be honest I might go back and reedit some of the back story pages, I have some good letters from Washington that would give further context, I just have to work them in proper. I’m considering adding a page for the 3/5 compromise as it comes up in the Constitution Ratification in Massachusetts and I haven’t added anything to life in 1787, I’m swaying between adding something to it and axing the page completely, I’m kinda submitting myself to feedback on that one. I am much more confident in my other pages under Consequences, they are all written in and I think touches on the most important aspects in the ratification of the constitution.  I might play with the pictures a bit or maybe add more to my articles but at the moment I am happy that they are a very strong foundation with a narrative that follows all the way through the articles. I’ve also fully cited them, always fun.  I do sit in defeat in figuring out how to change the color of the background of the website, though, my googlefu did not save me will have to ask my friend over the weekend.

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