Town Library Archive: 10/3/17

Yesterday I went to the Keene Public library to look for newspaper articles from the regional newspaper, the Keene Sentinel. The technology they had was actually pretty inconvenient and made looking through the newspapers a very long process. They had all the papers on microfilm so I had to feed the film through a projector (That didn’t work correctly and often fell off the projector) and rewind and fast forward the film to get to the specific October date. I only got through a few years of papers before I had to go back to campus. Also, the copies the machine printed don’t show photographs and make the font very hard to read.

I think from now on we will have to work primarily with the schools newspaper because they are much more accessible and have more useful information and opinion pieces than the Keene Sentinel had.

I’m starting to get a little nervous about the amount of time left in the semester. Every week I think I’ll have a lot of time over the weekend to go to the archives for a long period of time or time to do the IRB citi training but something always seems to come up that takes up all my time. I guess I just need to set aside large amounts of time and commit it to the project in order to stay on track.

2 thoughts on “Town Library Archive: 10/3/17

  1. Hello Erin,
    Time through this semester is going by pretty quickly! Kailee and I had that same problem of having to look through different newspapers, but only one of them being of helpful use to our project. It is important to have the perspective of the school’s newspaper. That will be a really good angle for your website. Good luck! You are putting in good work!

  2. I’m sorry that you found the newspaper inconvenient. Unfortunately, our local newspapers haven’t been of any help either. At least you have the campus newspaper! I understand how you feel about time running out in the semester- things seem to get crazy at the most inconvenient times for me too. Keep working hard at it, and I’m sure the project will still turn out great! I’m looking forward to learning more!

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