Time Sure Flies

As I look at my agenda to plan out the rest of my week, I realize how quickly this semester has flown by. I also realized how much time we have left to complete our websites and I will admit, I am a little overwhelmed. With an abundance of projects and presentations due in the next two weeks, on top of regular homework and exams, I am struggling to find a lot of time to work on this. Right now, Claire and I are trying to complete everything in our second milestone, but a lot of the interviews will be conducted next week or even the week after. During our break tomorrow, we will be working on different sections of the website. Specifically, I will be working on the community response section, the laws and regulations section, and the narrative from the interview we had last week. We also hope to edit the already completed sections of our website and get the timeline and map up on the site. We do have some positive things to report this week though! We interviewed Dr. Guignard last Monday and it went very well! He gave us even more information than we were expecting and had a few more people that we could contact for interviews to learn different aspects of fracking that he did not know as much about. We were surprised to learn that he had a lot of information regarding community response and regarding how the fracking corporations responded to issues in the community and in the infrastructure of the town. It was a highly beneficial interview! So our only issue right now is time management, but once our classes calm down, we will have a bit more time!

One thought on “Time Sure Flies

  1. Great news that your first interview went so well, and that he could really speak to not only the technical issues but some of the community responses as well! It’s definitely the point of the semester where time management is a challenge for all of us–I remind myself to stay focused on the task right in front of me, finish it, and move on to the next several times a day to try to keep from staring at a giant pile of work and feeling overwhelmed/like I’ll never get it done. We can talk a bit on Thursday about ways we’re finding to stay on top of work, too, if that would be helpful.

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