Milestone #2 Update

Hey everyone!

So our goal for milestone #2 was to have all of the articles sorted and summarized/analyzed, the dates ready to insert into our timeline, and the pictures of the schools taken and edited. We were successfully able to analyze and summarize all of our articles so it will be easier to find the information set aside for each page and possible quotes we may want to use for each page. Some of the articles’ information could be used in multiple pages as some of the articles regarding the Stafford desegregation process had student and administrator perspectives, but it will now be easier to tell what information we have and what we want to include in each page. Although we were unable to personally go take pictures of the schools as our semesters got extremely busy and we each had some things we had to take care of personally, I was able to put the pictures we do have access to into our dumping ground along with the article analysis and the timeline dates. We still need to refine some of the dates before inserting them into the timeline, but we now have all the information we need for our project gathered into one space, which is definitely a relief. It will aid us extremely as we begin to write the pages on our website. Moving forward, Alyssa and I will both be working on the timeline and the skeleton of the website and start working on writing our respective pages after the skeleton is completed over the weekend. While we do this, we are hoping to reach out to the contacts that we have been given to gain some more photos for the visual element of our site. We will most likely create one blanket email and send it out to as many sources as we can to see what we can find. We definitely made some strides this week and as it comes down to the wire we will try our hardest to stay on top of the tasks we have left to complete so we can end up with an awesome website! Hope everyone has a good week! Keep pressing on, we can do this!

Attached is our dumping ground:

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