Conflict in America week 1

I apologize for the late post, as well as being late to game. However with that being said I found that my initial thought of what this class was asking was to dissect a regional conflict and see what exactly happened leading up to and following it.  With that being said I think agree with Erin and I think that looking at the Great Depression in Keene  would be very interesting and it is something I haven’t looked at in too much detail.

I am pretty familiar with working with WordPress as well. For one of my final projects last semester I created a Tattoo blog that discussed tattoos and its relation in space with Democracy.

The only thing I am worried about is making sure my technology is working and will not quit on me. I didn’t have any issues with my laptop until this prior week leading up to class. I have download zoom on other platforms so I should be able okay.  I have stopped by my IT department as well as attempting to fix the issues on my own so I’m hoping it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.