Conflict in America Labor day weekend

During this  labor day weekend I took the time to relax as well as dig deeper into my local resources to aid with my research. I recently, got in contact with my friend who is on the Keene’s newspaper “The Equinox” and he helped me by showing the various articles on The Pumpkin Festival. I think this is a solid step in the right direction because It will help our project find the necessary perspectives. we need to gain the entire picture on what happened that weekend in Keene. I think  to understand how this event escalated to the measure it did we have to identify multiple perspectives with countless variables.

During the week I plan on going into the archives and see from newspapers and documents othe accounts and other aspects of one of Keene’s oldest traditions. I also will talk with staff, faculty and my peers  about how the College has changed from 3 years ago.

4 Replies to “Conflict in America Labor day weekend”

  1. I am looking forward to learning more about your project and what took place. I think you have a really solid and specific topic that you can go far with over the course of the semester. It seems like newspapers will definitely be really useful for you. I’m not sure how long ago your conflict took place…but I wonder if there is anybody still there on campus or listed in the newspapers who could talk with you about it. I wonder if we will talk in class about advice on requesting and conducting successful informational interviews…? Hmn.

    1. Why thank you, when I dig deeper into the details of the riots and the response of the college community through a socio-psychological lens, will be able to at how it started and how it grew out of control. What had happened was that n the riots happened the fall of 2014, that was my classes first and last Pumpkin Festival until this coming fall. I think I will be able interview students from my class that experienced it along with the other classes who have never done so and find out what it means from multiple perspectives.

      1. Okay! So your topic is very contemporary! That sounds really exciting to be able to interview students who may have been involved or affected. It might also be cool to interview faculty and staff. Were there any arrests? Police records? Excited to see your research proposal to find out what you will be doing with this project. 🙂

        Peace & love,


  2. I really love that you have access to the newspaper articles from your university. Jess and I also attempted to talk to our school newspaper but we could not find any contact information for the people who run it, so we have to dig deeper into that. I think that having access to first-hand student accounts of the pumpkin fest chaos will really be beneficial to you, as well as being able to talk to people who were there to experience it. Good luck!

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