Comments on other websites


Abriana, I know you’ve gone through the ringer with trying to navigate WordPress to your likening on top of the IRB issues , I commend you on rising to the challenge.  With what you have and are working with, I feel you know what you have to do and you will do it well.  Once the little details are filled in such as the maps, timelines and synopsis your project, it will come to life.   One of my favorite quotes by Booker T. Washington,  I think reflects on the process of you went through for your blog and at the end of this class is somethng that you should be proud of. “I’ve learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed”  Keep ya head up and you got this.

Desegregation in Fredericksburg

Kailee and Alyssa, I really like how your project blog came out, the layout is easy to navigate and the overall aesthetic of the blog is easy to view.  The information you have on each of the tabs especially the student accounts gives a sense of authenticity and meaning to the project that gives the viewer a perspective of first hand accounts of being in the school system during this time period. Even though the side tabs are kind of hard to read it, I think that it can also work to your advantage because it will make the viewer hover over the tabs to see what they say.  Overall your blog is really well put together!

Shays Rebellion 

Shane and Anthony your blog is clear and you’re able to navigate the blog easily and find the necessary information. You guys have mapped out the factors and important figures in the Shays Rebellion in a manageable  fashion for the viewer that might not know  much about it. May,  I suggest for the head line tab you include a bold headings to divide up the different articles just break up the lengthiness of page. Besides that little nit pick your site is looking great!

Frack That 

Claire and Jessica, the Website looks awesome! The organization is easy to follow and the information is really informative for someone that like myself, don’t really know anything about fracking. The interviews that you conducted is organized in a nice format that allows the indivual to immerse themselves into both sides of the fracking industry. The one thing I think you can add to is the about yourself page when you get a chance, doing all this work I feel like the viewer should know a little bit more about who created this nice blog!