Reflecting on Conflict in America.

Going  into this class, I had really no expectations because I never did anything like this before. Being able to connect with everyone from different schools across the country, while  building a class  community in a completely different manner was pretty fun.  In the beginning of the semester I wasn’t sure what the final product was going to look like even though, but it was fun to see the project take shape.

One of the take a ways that I have learned from this class it to work progressively on time management skills. It is something that I have to be conscious of  and  to make sure your being held accountable in doing things well. With that being said this class was a great experience in learning how work in a new  medium that we all adjusted to quickly.

Another aspect that was entirely new to me was the legalities that followed conducting these projects. Prior to this class I did not know what the IRB was or that it was even on my campus. It was a interesting process simply because it was new to me.

Overall this experience was great and it was awesome learning about each others final products, after the long year. We all worked hard and it showed in these presentations we all gave

Thank you Dr. Welch and Dr. Wallace, both of you did an great job being our small video framed professors . Both of you were super helpful in this experience.

Congrats everyone, Enjoy the break coming up, and good luck on Finals!