Week Eleven

Hello everyone,

This week has been less productive the second half of the week. This week we had to secure more of the website. Before the Thursday meeting we wanted to make sure that we were going to have all of the information for our website. The skeleton of the website is put together. I will take Dr. Wallace’s comment to good use this upcoming week, and I will try to change the font of the different side bar words. I have not been really able to work on a lot of the website, so Kailee and I are going to make sure that we accommodate to the changes we need to make in our schedule to make it work. Kailee and I were not able to meet each other this week, but we will for sure be able to make it work this upcoming week. I have to make sure that I am able to make it work this week. I had to plan and work for Virginia Resident Assistant Conference this week where our school was hosting, so it has been something that took up a lot of my time. Now, I will have time for this class!


One thought on “Week Eleven

  1. Even though it wasn’t as productive as you thought it would be, I’m sure that you will still make it work out. I know I really thought your website was impressive when you were showing it in class, you had so much information. Honestly, changing fonts and colors is one of those things on WordPress that isn’t always easy. The good news is that you were able to find so much information and put it on the website. Now all you have to do is spruce the website up! I’m really looking forward to reading your website when this is all said and done, because I think you found so much that is interesting about your topic. Good luck!!

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