Milestone #2 Update

Here is ourĀ Milestone #2 Work.

For this milestone goal we were going to organize our information. We were able to divide our readings, and we were able to find the main points in each page or section of our website. I did sit-ins, student perspectives, and Stafford pages. I was really intrigued seeing the actual story of what happened when Stafford High School was actually integrated. I read about the white principal of the High School, and how he had to balance pleasing the white parents and children. He also had to help comfort the black parents and children.

Our biggest obstacle was completely different schedules. When Kailee was available I was unavailable, and vice versa. We both had exams and papers as well to do. It was a lot about communicating through text and FaceTime. We made a google doc, so we were able to make it accessible. We were also able to keep each other accountable in what we had to do. I had to do my part later in the game, but we were able to finish it. This will make it easier for us to be able to just put things into our website. I can consolidate the information some more, which I will do this weekend to make sure not too much will be on each page.

We were not able to take our pictures of the high schools, but I am glad we were able to find new places to get pictures that do not mess with copyright issues. We again were very lucky to have talked to Dr. MCclurken about our project. He was able to give us different places to be able to go to.

Our next step is for this weekend is to finally set up our website! I will be able to create the structure of it, and we will be able to make it look like a website haha.

Thank you!

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